Emergent Mind


A current concern in the field of AI is to ensure the trustworthiness of AI systems. The development of explainability methods is one prominent way to address this, which has often resulted in the assumption that the use of explainability will lead to an increase in the trust of users and wider society. However, the dynamics between explainability and trust are not well established and empirical investigations of their relation remain mixed or inconclusive. In this paper we provide a detailed description of the concepts of user trust and distrust in AI and their relation to appropriate reliance. For that we draw from the fields of machine learning, human-computer interaction, and the social sciences. Furthermore, we have created a survey of existing empirical studies that investigate the effects of AI systems and XAI methods on user (dis)trust. With clarifying the concepts and summarizing the empirical investigations, we aim to provide researchers, who examine user trust in AI, with an improved starting point for developing user studies to measure and evaluate the user's attitude towards and reliance on AI systems.

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