Emergent Mind

LLM A*: Human in the Loop Large Language Models Enabled A* Search for Robotics

Published Dec 4, 2023 in cs.RO , cs.AI , and cs.HC


This research focuses on how LLMs can help with path planning for mobile embodied agents such as robots, in a human-in-the-loop and interactive manner. A novel framework named LLM A, aims to leverage the commonsense of LLMs, and the utility-optimal A is proposed to facilitate few-shot near-optimal path planning. Prompts are used to 1) provide LLMs with essential information like environment, cost, heuristics, etc.; 2) communicate human feedback to LLMs on intermediate planning results. This makes the whole path planning process a `white box' and human feedback guides LLM A* to converge quickly compared to other data-driven methods such as reinforcement learning-based (RL) path planning. In addition, it makes code-free path planning practical, henceforth promoting the inclusiveness of artificial intelligence techniques. Comparative analysis against A* and RL shows that LLM A* is more efficient in terms of search space and achieves an on-a-par path with A* and a better path than RL. The interactive nature of LLM A* also makes it a promising tool for deployment in collaborative human-robot tasks.

Pipeline highlighting LLM A* before and after user conversation for scenario-aware path planning.


  • The 'LLM A' framework integrates LLMs with the traditional A search algorithm to enhance path planning in robotics, making it more interactive and accessible to non-experts.

  • The approach leverages the commonsense reasoning capabilities of LLMs to prune non-promising paths early, thereby reducing the search space and improving path quality compared to traditional A* and PPO-based models.

  • The paper highlights the framework's potential to democratize AI in robotics through a code-free approach, while also addressing future challenges regarding the optimization of LLM interactions to maintain efficiency and control.

LLM A: Human in the Loop LLMs Enabled A Search for Robotics

The paper "LLM A: Human in the Loop LLMs Enabled A Search for Robotics" by Hengjia Xiao and Peng Wang proposes a novel framework leveraging LLMs for path planning in robotic systems. By integrating LLMs with the traditional A* search algorithm, the framework introduces a method termed "LLM A*" which aims to facilitate few-shot, near-optimal path planning through human interaction.


The core concept of the LLM A* framework is to utilize the inherent commonsense knowledge of LLMs—knowledge which enables them to understand and generate human-like text—while retaining the optimal pathfinding capabilities of the traditional A* algorithm. This integration is designed to enhance the efficiency of path planning processes in robotics by making them more interactive and inclusive to non-experts through a code-free approach.

Key Components and Methodology

The paper outlines the operational stages of LLM A* in detail:

  1. Workspace Initialization:

    • The environment, inclusive of the robot's workspace, initial and goal states, and possible movements, is communicated to the LLM. This setup includes the environment configuration, initial and goal states, valid robot actions, and any other relevant operational rules or constraints.
  2. Path Planning Execution:

    • The LLM uses this information to suggest feasible next moves towards goal achievement, based on a cost function combining cumulative and heuristic costs. Human interaction guides the LLM by providing feedback on these suggestions, thus making the process transparent and modifiable at each step.

Comparative Analysis

The research conducts a thorough comparative analysis of LLM A, both against the traditional A algorithm and Reinforcement Learning (RL)-based path planning, particularly focusing on the Proximal Policy Optimisation (PPO) model.

  1. Search Space Efficiency:

    • It was observed that LLM A* manages to reduce the search space significantly compared to traditional A*, as the LLM utilizes commonsense reasoning to prune non-promising paths early.
  2. Path Quality:

    • Paths generated by LLM A* and Greedy LLM A* demonstrated higher smoothness and fewer redundant movements compared to those planned by the PPO-based RL model. This indicates a superior efficiency in navigating obstacles and achieving goals.

Numerical Results

While exact numerical results are not explicitly detailed, graphical representations indicate that LLM A* maintains a smaller search space compared to A*, reflecting its efficient path-finding capability. The effective reduction in search iterations suggests a promising avenue for deploying LLMs in practical path planning scenarios.

Implications and Future Directions

The practical implications of this integration are profound. By embedding commonsense into robotic path planning, the LLM A* framework introduces a robust method for humans to interactively guide and monitor robotic actions, thus improving safety and reliability in human-robot collaboration. Moreover, the framework’s code-free nature promotes the democratization of AI technologies, making advanced robotics accessible to a broader audience beyond technical experts.

Theoretically, the paper emphasizes the potential of LLMs to revolutionize the planning aspect in robotics. However, the efficiency aspect remains a challenge, particularly considering the verbosity and token usage associated with LLM interactions. Future work might explore optimizing these interactions and potentially integrating learning methods to minimize human intervention while maintaining the benefits of transparency and control.

In summary, this paper presents a significant advancement in the field of robotic path planning, demonstrating the potential of combining LLMs with the A* algorithm to achieve effective, human-in-the-loop planning. Future research could explore further refinements in efficiency and broader applications of this approach within the field of AI and robotics.

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