Emergent Mind

Faster Sublinear-Time Edit Distance

Published Dec 4, 2023 in cs.DS


We study the fundamental problem of approximating the edit distance of two strings. After an extensive line of research led to the development of a constant-factor approximation algorithm in almost-linear time, recent years have witnessed a notable shift in focus towards sublinear-time algorithms. Here, the task is typically formalized as the $(k, K)$-gap edit distance problem: Distinguish whether the edit distance of two strings is at most $k$ or more than $K$. Surprisingly, it is still possible to compute meaningful approximations in this challenging regime. Nevertheless, in almost all previous work, truly sublinear running time of $O(n{1-\varepsilon})$ (for a constant $\varepsilon > 0$) comes at the price of at least polynomial gap $K \ge k \cdot n{\Omega(\varepsilon)}$. Only recently, [Bringmann, Cassis, Fischer, and Nakos; STOC'22] broke through this barrier and solved the sub-polynomial $(k, k{1+o(1)})$-gap edit distance problem in time $O(n/k + k{4+o(1)})$, which is truly sublinear if $n{\Omega(1)} \le k \le n{\frac14-\Omega(1)}$.The $n/k$ term is inevitable (already for Hamming distance), but it remains an important task to optimize the $\mathrm{poly}(k)$ term and, in general, solve the $(k, k{1+o(1)})$-gap edit distance problem in sublinear-time for larger values of $k$. In this work, we design an improved algorithm for the $(k, k{1+o(1)})$-gap edit distance problem in sublinear time $O(n/k + k{2+o(1)})$, yielding a significant quadratic speed-up over the previous $O(n/k + k{4+o(1)})$-time algorithm. Notably, our algorithm is unconditionally almost-optimal (up to subpolynomial factors) in the regime where $k \leq n{\frac13}$ and improves upon the state of the art for $k \leq n{\frac12-o(1)}$.

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