Emergent Mind


Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection is a core task for human-centric image understanding. Recent one-stage methods adopt a transformer decoder to collect image-wide cues that are useful for interaction prediction; however, the interaction representations obtained using this method are entangled and lack interpretability. In contrast, traditional two-stage methods benefit significantly from their ability to compose interaction features in a disentangled and explainable manner. In this paper, we improve the performance of one-stage methods by enabling them to extract disentangled interaction representations. First, we propose Shunted Cross-Attention (SCA) to extract human appearance, object appearance, and global context features using different cross-attention heads. This is achieved by imposing different masks on the cross-attention maps produced by the different heads. Second, we introduce the Interaction-aware Pose Estimation (IPE) task to learn interaction-relevant human pose features using a disentangled decoder. This is achieved with a novel attention module that accurately captures the human keypoints relevant to the current interaction category. Finally, our approach fuses the appearance feature and pose feature via element-wise addition to form the interaction representation. Experimental results show that our approach can be readily applied to existing one-stage HOI detectors. Moreover, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on two benchmarks: HICO-DET and V-COCO.

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