Emergent Mind

On the Maximization of Long-Run Reward CVaR for Markov Decision Processes

Published Dec 4, 2023 in math.OC , cs.SY , and eess.SY


This paper studies the optimization of Markov decision processes (MDPs) from a risk-seeking perspective, where the risk is measured by conditional value-at-risk (CVaR). The objective is to find a policy that maximizes the long-run CVaR of instantaneous rewards over an infinite horizon across all history-dependent randomized policies. By establishing two optimality inequalities of opposing directions, we prove that the maximum of long-run CVaR of MDPs over the set of history-dependent randomized policies can be found within the class of stationary randomized policies. In contrast to classical MDPs, we find that there may not exist an optimal stationary deterministic policy for maximizing CVaR. Instead, we prove the existence of an optimal stationary randomized policy that requires randomizing over at most two actions. Via a convex optimization representation of CVaR, we convert the long-run CVaR maximization MDP into a minimax problem, where we prove the interchangeability of minimum and maximum and the related existence of saddle point solutions. Furthermore, we propose an algorithm that finds the saddle point solution by solving two linear programs. These results are then extended to objectives that involve maximizing some combination of mean and CVaR of rewards simultaneously. Finally, we conduct numerical experiments to demonstrate the main results.

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