Emergent Mind

Parallelizing quantum simulation with decision diagrams

Published Dec 4, 2023 in quant-ph and cs.DC


Recent technological advancements show promise in leveraging quantum mechanical phenomena for computation. This brings substantial speed-ups to problems that are once considered to be intractable in the classical world. However, the physical realization of quantum computers is still far away from us, and a majority of research work is done using quantum simulators running on classical computers. Classical computers face a critical obstacle in simulating quantum algorithms. Quantum states reside in a Hilbert space whose size grows exponentially to the number of subsystems, i.e., qubits. As a result, the straightforward statevector approach does not scale due to the exponential growth of the memory requirement. Decision diagrams have gained attention in recent years for representing quantum states and operations in quantum simulations. The main advantage of this approach is its ability to exploit redundancy. However, mainstream quantum simulators still rely on statevectors or tensor networks. We consider the absence of decision diagrams due to the lack of parallelization strategies. This work explores several strategies for parallelizing decision diagram operations, specifically for quantum simulations. We propose optimal parallelization strategies. Based on the experiment results, our parallelization strategy achieves a 2-3 times faster simulation of Grover's algorithm and random circuits than the state-of-the-art single-thread DD-based simulator DDSIM.

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