Emergent Mind

Facial Emotion Recognition Under Mask Coverage Using a Data Augmentation Technique

Published Dec 3, 2023 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.HC


Identifying human emotions using AI-based computer vision systems, when individuals wear face masks, presents a new challenge in the current Covid-19 pandemic. In this study, we propose a facial emotion recognition system capable of recognizing emotions from individuals wearing different face masks. A novel data augmentation technique was utilized to improve the performance of our model using four mask types for each face image. We evaluated the effectiveness of four convolutional neural networks, Alexnet, Squeezenet, Resnet50 and VGGFace2 that were trained using transfer learning. The experimental findings revealed that our model works effectively in multi-mask mode compared to single-mask mode. The VGGFace2 network achieved the highest accuracy rate, with 97.82% for the person-dependent mode and 74.21% for the person-independent mode using the JAFFE dataset. However, we evaluated our proposed model using the UIBVFED dataset. The Resnet50 has demonstrated superior performance, with accuracies of 73.68% for the person-dependent mode and 59.57% for the person-independent mode. Moreover, we employed metrics such as precision, sensitivity, specificity, AUC, F1 score, and confusion matrix to measure our system's efficiency in detail. Additionally, the LIME algorithm was used to visualize CNN's decision-making strategy.

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