Emergent Mind


The current fabrication and assembly of fluidic circuits for soft robots relies heavily on manual processes; as the complexity of fluidic circuits increases, manual assembly becomes increasingly arduous, error-prone, and timeconsuming. We introduce a software tool that generates printable fluidic networks automatically. We provide a library of fluidic logic elements that are easily 3D printed from thermoplastic polyurethanes using Fused Deposition Modeling only. Our software tool and component library allow the development of arbitrary soft digital circuits. We demonstrate a variable frequency ring oscillator and a full adder. The simplicity of our approach using FDM printers only, democratizes fluidic circuit implementation beyond specialized laboratories. Our software is available on GitHub (https://github.com/roboticmaterialsgroup/FluidLogic).


  • The paper discusses a software tool for automating the design of fluidic circuits, crucial for soft robotics.

  • Integrated with Blender, the tool employs a modified A* algorithm to generate 3D printable fluidic networks.

  • A library of printable fluidic logic elements supports the tool, facilitating the routing process.

  • Demonstrated applications, such as a ring oscillator and a full adder fluidic circuit, exemplify the tool's practical use.

  • The future of the tool involves more complex designs and its open-source availability encourages collaborative innovation.


In the evolving field of soft robotics, researchers are harnessing the unique capabilities of soft materials, such as adaptability and resilience, to create robots more akin to biological systems than their rigid-bodied predecessors. Fluidic circuits form a pivotal component of soft robotic systems, serving as the control mechanism behind their movement and functionality. Traditionally, the creation of these fluidic networks has been both intricate and labor-intensive, often requiring specialized labs and knowledge. To address these bottlenecks, researchers have developed a new software tool that automates the routing process and generates printable fluidic circuits.

Software Design and Implementation

The focal point of this innovation is a software tool, integrated with an existing 3D creation suite called Blender. This tool employs a modified A* routing algorithm to lay out tubing networks that connect various fluidic logic elements. Users interact with a graphical interface, selecting components and defining connections effortlessly. The software then skillfully generates a 3D printable model inclusive of all fluidic channels.

Accompanying this tool is a library of 3D printable fluidic logic elements such as valves and gates. These elements can be rendered in materials suitable for Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) printers, a common and cost-effective type of 3D printer. The inspiration comes from PCB design automation, aiming to transfer the ease of creating electronic circuits into the fluidic domain.

Practical Applications and Demonstrations

The software's capability is illustrated through two demonstrative applications – a variable frequency ring oscillator and a full adder fluidic circuit. The ring oscillator showcases how altering the flow path can change the frequency of the output signal. For the full adder, the software automates the assembly of a previously complex process, connecting numerous gates and channels to perform binary addition. These demonstrations not only validate the software's practicality but also highlight its potential in simplifying the design and production of soft robotic components.

Future Prospects and Significance

This software represents a significant stride towards fully automated design and fabrication of fluidic control systems for soft robotics. Future developments could include a focus on monolithic logic gates and enhanced fluidic circuits for greater complexity and functionality. The open-source nature of this project, with resources available on GitHub, paves the way for a collaborative effort in advancing the field.

The ramifications of this work extend beyond simply making soft robotics more accessible. Fluidic circuits are inherently resistant to electromagnetic interference and physical damage, providing a unique robustness that could be crucial in extreme environments where electronics may falter. As such, they are poised to be an influential tool in the expanding ecosystem of intelligent robotic systems.

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