Emergent Mind


To achieve strong real world performance, neural networks must be trained on large, diverse datasets; however, obtaining and annotating such datasets is costly and time-consuming, particularly for 3D point clouds. In this paper, we describe Paved2Paradise, a simple, cost-effective approach for generating fully labeled, diverse, and realistic lidar datasets from scratch, all while requiring minimal human annotation. Our key insight is that, by deliberately collecting separate "background" and "object" datasets (i.e., "factoring the real world"), we can intelligently combine them to produce a combinatorially large and diverse training set. The Paved2Paradise pipeline thus consists of four steps: (1) collecting copious background data, (2) recording individuals from the desired object class(es) performing different behaviors in an isolated environment (like a parking lot), (3) bootstrapping labels for the object dataset, and (4) generating samples by placing objects at arbitrary locations in backgrounds. To demonstrate the utility of Paved2Paradise, we generated synthetic datasets for two tasks: (1) human detection in orchards (a task for which no public data exists) and (2) pedestrian detection in urban environments. Qualitatively, we find that a model trained exclusively on Paved2Paradise synthetic data is highly effective at detecting humans in orchards, including when individuals are heavily occluded by tree branches. Quantitatively, a model trained on Paved2Paradise data that sources backgrounds from KITTI performs comparably to a model trained on the actual dataset. These results suggest the Paved2Paradise synthetic data pipeline can help accelerate point cloud model development in sectors where acquiring lidar datasets has previously been cost-prohibitive.

Paved2Paradise pipeline generates synthetic scenes, randomly sampling and leveling object and background scenes.


  • Paved2Paradise (P2P) is a new method for creating diverse and realistic training databases for autonomous driving using LiDAR.

  • P2P factors the real world by collecting separate datasets for backgrounds and objects and then combining them to increase the diversity of training scenarios.

  • The process involves amassing background datasets, recording objects in action, bootstrapping annotations, and merging scenes while maintaining perspective consistency.

  • Models trained on P2P-generated synthetic datasets have shown high effectiveness in tasks such as human and pedestrian detection, comparable to those trained on real datasets.

  • P2P has potential applications in various industries beyond autonomous vehicles, offering cost-effective and efficient training methods to enhance AI capabilities.

Title: Innovations in LiDAR Simulation: Introducing Paved2Paradise

Creating realistic, large-scale databases for training neural networks is a daunting task—especially in the field of autonomous driving, which relies heavily on accurate 3D representations of the environment. The recently introduced groundwork on the pipeline named Paved2Paradise (P2P) offers a promising solution to this problem, particularly for LiDAR-based applications.

The basic principle of P2P lies in its ability to "factor" the real world by gathering separate datasets for "backgrounds" and "objects" and then intelligently combining them. This method allows for an exponential increase in the diversity of scenarios that autonomous driving systems can be trained on, without the prohibitive costs associated with the collection and annotation of such large datasets. P2P's method underscores a four-step process:

  1. Amassing an extensive background dataset from the real world, ensuring that these environments do not include objects that we wish the model to detect.
  2. Recording the desired objects performing various actions in controlled, flat environments.
  3. Bootstrapping annotations for the object datasets using an initial set of human-labeled samples.
  4. Merging the background and object scenes in a systematic way that keeps in mind the perspective consistency relative to the LiDAR sensor.

The efficacy of P2P has been demonstrated through the generation of synthetic datasets for two separate tasks: human detection in orchards and pedestrian detection in urban environments. Results indicate that models trained exclusively on data synthesized by P2P were highly effective, with performance comparable to those trained on actual, manually annotated datasets.

The P2P pipeline stands out from related systems like LiDARsim with its simplicity and flexibility, presenting a practical and impactful tool in sectors where acquiring comprehensive lidar datasets has previously been cumbersome or financially unfeasible. Additionally, it provides an advantageous alternative to methods that rely heavily on previously labeled data or computationally expensive simulated environments.

The potential applications for P2P extend beyond autonomous vehicles. It has broad implications for sectors like agriculture, construction, and mining, where accurate environmental modeling is crucial, but data acquisition is challenging. As the need for intelligent systems increases across various industries, cost-effective and efficient training methods like Paved2Paradise will play a pivotal role in advancing the capabilities and adoption of these technologies.

While P2P's initial implementation utilized a relatively straightforward LiDAR simulator, future iterations could integrate more advanced simulation techniques. These might incorporate detailed sensor physics or weather conditions to further enhance the realism of the training datasets, broadening the scenarios under which autonomous systems can be effectively trained.

The innovation introduced by Paved2Paradise offers a significant leap forward in the development of neural networks for 3D environments. Its impact lies not only in the efficacy and quality of the synthetic datasets it can generate but also in its potential to democratize access to high-quality training data across industries, marking another milestone in the advancement of AI and autonomous systems.

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