Emergent Mind

Divisible minimal codes

Published Dec 1, 2023 in math.CO , cs.IT , and math.IT


Minimal codes are linear codes where all non-zero codewords are minimal, i.e., whose support is not properly contained in the support of another codeword. The minimum possible length of such a $k$-dimensional linear code over $\mathbb{F}_q$ is denoted by $m(k,q)$. Here we determine $m(7,2)$, $m(8,2)$, and $m(9,2)$, as well as full classifications of all codes attaining $m(k,2)$ for $k\le 7$ and those attaining $m(9,2)$. For $m(11,2)$ and $m(12,2)$ we give improved upper bounds. It turns out that in many cases attaining extremal codes have the property that the weights of all codewords are divisible by some constant $\Delta>1$. So, here we study the minimum lengths of minimal codes where we additionally assume that the weights of the codewords are divisible by $\Delta$.

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