Emergent Mind


Existing neural implicit surface reconstruction methods have achieved impressive performance in multi-view 3D reconstruction by leveraging explicit geometry priors such as depth maps or point clouds as regularization. However, the reconstruction results still lack fine details because of the over-smoothed depth map or sparse point cloud. In this work, we propose a neural implicit surface reconstruction pipeline with guidance from 3D Gaussian Splatting to recover highly detailed surfaces. The advantage of 3D Gaussian Splatting is that it can generate dense point clouds with detailed structure. Nonetheless, a naive adoption of 3D Gaussian Splatting can fail since the generated points are the centers of 3D Gaussians that do not necessarily lie on the surface. We thus introduce a scale regularizer to pull the centers close to the surface by enforcing the 3D Gaussians to be extremely thin. Moreover, we propose to refine the point cloud from 3D Gaussians Splatting with the normal priors from the surface predicted by neural implicit models instead of using a fixed set of points as guidance. Consequently, the quality of surface reconstruction improves from the guidance of the more accurate 3D Gaussian splatting. By jointly optimizing the 3D Gaussian Splatting and the neural implicit model, our approach benefits from both representations and generates complete surfaces with intricate details. Experiments on Tanks and Temples verify the effectiveness of our proposed method.

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