Emergent Mind


The aim of the work presented in this paper is to develop and evaluate an integrated system that provides automated lecture style evaluation, allowing teachers to get instant feedback related to the goodness of their lecturing style. The proposed system aims to promote improvement of lecture quality, that could upgrade the overall student learning experience. The proposed application utilizes specific measurable biometric characteristics, such as facial expressions, body activity, speech rate and intonation, hand movement, and facial pose, extracted from a video showing the lecturer from the audience point of view. Measurable biometric features extracted during a lecture are combined to provide teachers with a score reflecting lecture style quality both at frame rate and by providing lecture quality metrics for the whole lecture. The acceptance of the proposed lecture style evaluation system was evaluated by chief education officers, teachers and students regarding the functionality, usefulness of the application, and possible improvements. The results indicate that participants found the application novel and useful in providing automated feedback regarding lecture quality. Furthermore, the performance evaluation of the proposed system was compared with the performance of humans in the task of lecture style evaluation. Results indicate that the proposed system not only achieves similar performance to human observers, but in some cases, it outperforms them.

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