Emergent Mind


While LLMs have achieved remarkable performance in many tasks, much about their inner workings remains unclear. In this study, we present novel experimental insights into the resilience of LLMs, particularly GPT-4, when subjected to extensive character-level permutations. To investigate this, we first propose the Scrambled Bench, a suite designed to measure the capacity of LLMs to handle scrambled input, in terms of both recovering scrambled sentences and answering questions given scrambled context. The experimental results indicate that most powerful LLMs demonstrate the capability akin to typoglycemia, a phenomenon where humans can understand the meaning of words even when the letters within those words are scrambled, as long as the first and last letters remain in place. More surprisingly, we found that only GPT-4 nearly flawlessly processes inputs with unnatural errors, even under the extreme condition, a task that poses significant challenges for other LLMs and often even for humans. Specifically, GPT-4 can almost perfectly reconstruct the original sentences from scrambled ones, decreasing the edit distance by 95%, even when all letters within each word are entirely scrambled. It is counter-intuitive that LLMs can exhibit such resilience despite severe disruption to input tokenization caused by scrambled text.

GPT-4 restores and interprets scrambled sentences, handling drastically changed tokenization, highlighted by color-coded sub-words.


  • GPT-4 demonstrates an exceptional ability to understand highly scrambled text that is typically challenging for both humans and other LLMs.

  • A new suite of benchmarks, Scrambled Bench, was used to measure the proficiency of LLMs in text reconstruction and answering questions using scrambled text.

  • The study reveals GPT-4's nearly flawless performance in correcting errors and its resilience in handling complex scrambling, surpassing other models like GPT-3.5-turbo.

  • GPT-4's constant high performance across various datasets suggests unique mechanisms enabling its resilience to character-level permutations.

  • The findings could alter our understanding of LLMs, showing potential error-tolerance and adaptiveness, and may improve AI-driven text processing in real-world, imperfect language situations.

In recent times, there has been an escalating interest in the resilience of LLMs like GPT-4 to handle text that is severely scrambled or altered at the character level. A study has meticulously explored this area by creating a suite of benchmarks collectively called Scrambled Bench, specifically designed to gauge how well LLMs can reconstruct original sentences from their scrambled counterparts and answer questions using the altered text as a reference. The experimental findings are quite striking, with GPT-4 demonstrating an exceptional ability to process inputs with extreme character-level permutations, a task that is largely challenging for other LLMs and even for human cognition.

For context, human readers can often understand written words even if the interior letters are mixed up, provided the first and last letters are correct. This natural resilience to letter scrambling was examined by the study to determine if GPT-4 could replicate a similar comprehension ability. The results were fascinating: GPT-4 could nearly flawlessly handle inputs with errors, including under extreme scrambling conditions. For instance, when every letter within words was scrambled, GPT-4 managed to successfully decrease the edit distance—a measure of how many edits are needed to convert the scrambled sentence back to the original—by an impressive 95%. GPT-4's capability to correctly answer questions based on heavily scrambled contexts held steady, demonstrating its exceptional robustness.

Going a step further, the study compared GPT-4’s performance with several other prominent LLMs, including GPT-3.5-turbo and text-davinci-003. The differences were pronounced; while most models experienced degraded performance with increased scrambling complexity, GPT-4 maintained high performance levels, suggesting it has unique mechanisms enabling this resilience. Notably, the findings were consistent across various datasets, further validating that GPT-4's ability to handle scrambled text is robust and not limited to specific data types.

The implications of this study could extend to enhancing our understanding of the inner workings of LLMs. If LLMs can understand and process scrambled text, this hints that their approach to language processing may be more adaptive and error-tolerant than traditionally thought. The fact that GPT-4 maintained a high level of comprehension even when tested with severely scrambled inputs challenges our assumptions about how LLMs derive meaning from text and how they might be utilized in real-world applications where data quality can be variable or poor.

In conclusion, the study presents a compelling case for the unexpected resilience of GPT-4 to handle scrambled text, opening the door for further research. There is a potential for these findings to be leveraged in enhancing the robustness of AI-driven text processing systems and cementing LLMs' place in applications where they would need to deal with natural language in less-than-ideal forms. Whether this ability is inherent to the architecture of GPT-4, a result of its training data, or a combination of factors remains an intriguing area for further exploration.

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