Emergent Mind


Decreased myocardial capillary density has been reported as an important histopathological feature associated with various heart disorders. Quantitative assessment of cardiac capillarization typically involves double immunostaining of cardiomyocytes (CMs) and capillaries in myocardial slices. In contrast, single immunostaining of basement membrane components is a straightforward approach to simultaneously label CMs and capillaries, presenting fewer challenges in background staining. However, subsequent image analysis always requires manual work in identifying and segmenting CMs and capillaries. Here, we developed an image analysis tool, AutoQC, to automatically identify and segment CMs and capillaries in immunofluorescence images of collagen type IV, a predominant basement membrane protein within the myocardium. In addition, commonly used capillarization-related measurements can be derived from segmentation masks. AutoQC features a weakly supervised instance segmentation algorithm by leveraging the power of a pre-trained segmentation model via prompt engineering. AutoQC outperformed YOLOv8-Seg, a state-of-the-art instance segmentation model, in both instance segmentation and capillarization assessment. Furthermore, the training of AutoQC required only a small dataset with bounding box annotations instead of pixel-wise annotations, leading to a reduced workload during network training. AutoQC provides an automated solution for quantifying cardiac capillarization in basement-membrane-immunostained myocardial slices, eliminating the need for manual image analysis once it is trained.

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