Emergent Mind

VIM: Probing Multimodal Large Language Models for Visual Embedded Instruction Following

Published Nov 29, 2023 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.CL


We introduce VISUAL EMBEDDED INSTRUCTION (VIM), a new framework designed to evaluate the visual instruction following capability of Multimodal LLMs (MLLMs). As illustrated in Figure 2, VIM challenges the MLLMs by embedding the instructions into the visual scenes, demanding strong visual interpretative skills for instruction following. We adapt VIM to various benchmarks, including VQAv2, MME, MM-Vet, and RefCOCO series, compose a VIM bench, and probe diverse MLLMs across three distinct in-context learning settings: Zero Shot, One Shot, and Pair Shot. We observe that there is a significant performance disparity between the open-source MLLMs and GPT-4V, implying that their proficiency in visual instruction comprehension is not up to par. Our results highlight a promising direction for the enhancement of MLLMs capabilities on instruction following. We aim VIM to serve as a useful norm for advancing the state of the art and driving further progress in the field.

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