Emergent Mind

Linear Matching of JavaScript Regular Expressions

Published Nov 29, 2023 in cs.PL and cs.FL


Modern regex languages have strayed far from well-understood traditional regular expressions: they include features that fundamentally transform the matching problem. In exchange for these features, modern regex engines at times suffer from exponential complexity blowups, a frequent source of denial-of-service vulnerabilities in JavaScript applications. Worse, regex semantics differ across languages, and the impact of these divergences on algorithmic design and worst-case matching complexity has seldom been investigated. This paper provides a novel perspective on JavaScript's regex semantics by identifying a larger-than-previously-understood subset of the language that can be matched with linear time guarantees. In the process, we discover several cases where state-of-the-art algorithms were either wrong (semantically incorrect), inefficient (suffering from superlinear complexity) or excessively restrictive (assuming certain features could not be matched linearly). We introduce novel algorithms to restore correctness and linear complexity. We further advance the state-of-the-art in linear regex matching by presenting the first nonbacktracking algorithms for matching lookarounds in linear time: one supporting captureless lookbehinds in any regex language, and another leveraging a JavaScript property to support unrestricted lookaheads and lookbehinds. Finally, we describe new time and space complexity tradeoffs for regex engines. All of our algorithms are practical: we validated them in a prototype implementation, and some have also been merged in the V8 JavaScript implementation used in Chrome and Node.js.

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