Emergent Mind


We present a novel framework that concurrently tackles hand action recognition and 3D future hand motion prediction. While previous works focus on either recognition or prediction, we propose a generative Transformer VAE architecture to jointly capture both aspects, facilitating realistic motion prediction by leveraging the short-term hand motion and long-term action consistency observed across timestamps. To ensure faithful representation of the semantic dependency and different temporal granularity of hand pose and action, our framework is decomposed into two cascaded VAE blocks. The lower pose block models short-span poses, while the upper action block models long-span action. These are connected by a mid-level feature that represents sub-second series of hand poses. Our framework is trained across multiple datasets, where pose and action blocks are trained separately to fully utilize pose-action annotations of different qualities. Evaluations show that on multiple datasets, the joint modeling of recognition and prediction improves over separate solutions, and the semantic and temporal hierarchy enables long-term pose and action modeling.

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