Emergent Mind

Safe Control Synthesis for Hybrid Systems through Local Control Barrier Functions

Published Nov 28, 2023 in cs.SY , cs.RO , and eess.SY


Control Barrier Functions (CBF) have provided a very versatile framework for the synthesis of safe control architectures for a wide class of nonlinear dynamical systems. Typically, CBF-based synthesis approaches apply to systems that exhibit nonlinear -- but smooth -- relationship in the state of the system and linear relationship in the control input. In contrast, the problem of safe control synthesis using CBF for hybrid dynamical systems, i.e., systems which have a discontinuous relationship in the system state, remains largely unexplored. In this work, we build upon the progress on CBF-based control to formulate a theory for safe control synthesis for hybrid dynamical systems. Under the assumption that local CBFs can be synthesized for each mode of operation of the hybrid system, we show how to construct CBF that can guarantee safe switching between modes. The end result is a switching CBF-based controller which provides global safety guarantees. The effectiveness of our proposed approach is demonstrated on two simulation studies.

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