Emergent Mind

Machine learning force-field models for metallic spin glass

Published Nov 28, 2023 in cond-mat.dis-nn , cond-mat.mtrl-sci , and cs.LG


Metallic spin glass systems, such as dilute magnetic alloys, are characterized by randomly distributed local moments coupled to each other through a long-range electron-mediated effective interaction. We present a scalable ML framework for dynamical simulations of metallic spin glasses. A Behler-Parrinello type neural-network model, based on the principle of locality, is developed to accurately and efficiently predict electron-induced local magnetic fields that drive the spin dynamics. A crucial component of the ML model is a proper symmetry-invariant representation of local magnetic environment which is direct input to the neural net. We develop such a magnetic descriptor by incorporating the spin degrees of freedom into the atom-centered symmetry function methods which are widely used in ML force-field models for quantum molecular dynamics. We apply our approach to study the relaxation dynamics of an amorphous generalization of the s-d model. Our work highlights the promising potential of ML models for large-scale dynamical modeling of itinerant magnets with quenched disorder.

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