Emergent Mind

Sinkhorn Flow: A Continuous-Time Framework for Understanding and Generalizing the Sinkhorn Algorithm

Published Nov 28, 2023 in cs.LG , math.PR , and stat.ML


Many problems in machine learning can be formulated as solving entropy-regularized optimal transport on the space of probability measures. The canonical approach involves the Sinkhorn iterates, renowned for their rich mathematical properties. Recently, the Sinkhorn algorithm has been recast within the mirror descent framework, thus benefiting from classical optimization theory insights. Here, we build upon this result by introducing a continuous-time analogue of the Sinkhorn algorithm. This perspective allows us to derive novel variants of Sinkhorn schemes that are robust to noise and bias. Moreover, our continuous-time dynamics not only generalize but also offer a unified perspective on several recently discovered dynamics in machine learning and mathematics, such as the "Wasserstein mirror flow" of (Deb et al. 2023) or the "mean-field Schr\"odinger equation" of (Claisse et al. 2023).

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