Emergent Mind

ERASER: Machine Unlearning in MLaaS via an Inference Serving-Aware Approach

Published Nov 3, 2023 in cs.CR and cs.AI


Over the past years, Machine Learning-as-a-Service (MLaaS) has received a surging demand for supporting Machine Learning-driven services to offer revolutionized user experience across diverse application areas. MLaaS provides inference service with low inference latency based on an ML model trained using a dataset collected from numerous individual data owners. Recently, for the sake of data owners' privacy and to comply with the "right to be forgotten (RTBF)" as enacted by data protection legislation, many machine unlearning methods have been proposed to remove data owners' data from trained models upon their unlearning requests. However, despite their promising efficiency, almost all existing machine unlearning methods handle unlearning requests independently from inference requests, which unfortunately introduces a new security issue of inference service obsolescence and a privacy vulnerability of undesirable exposure for machine unlearning in MLaaS. In this paper, we propose the ERASER framework for machinE unleaRning in MLaAS via an inferencE seRving-aware approach. ERASER strategically choose appropriate unlearning execution timing to address the inference service obsolescence issue. A novel inference consistency certification mechanism is proposed to avoid the violation of RTBF principle caused by postponed unlearning executions, thereby mitigating the undesirable exposure vulnerability. ERASER offers three groups of design choices to allow for tailor-made variants that best suit the specific environments and preferences of various MLaaS systems. Extensive empirical evaluations across various settings confirm ERASER's effectiveness, e.g., it can effectively save up to 99% of inference latency and 31% of computation overhead over the inference-oblivion baseline.

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