Emergent Mind

Scale-Dropout: Estimating Uncertainty in Deep Neural Networks Using Stochastic Scale

Published Nov 27, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.ET


Uncertainty estimation in Neural Networks (NNs) is vital in improving reliability and confidence in predictions, particularly in safety-critical applications. Bayesian Neural Networks (BayNNs) with Dropout as an approximation offer a systematic approach to quantifying uncertainty, but they inherently suffer from high hardware overhead in terms of power, memory, and computation. Thus, the applicability of BayNNs to edge devices with limited resources or to high-performance applications is challenging. Some of the inherent costs of BayNNs can be reduced by accelerating them in hardware on a Computation-In-Memory (CIM) architecture with spintronic memories and binarizing their parameters. However, numerous stochastic units are required to implement conventional dropout-based BayNN. In this paper, we propose the Scale Dropout, a novel regularization technique for Binary Neural Networks (BNNs), and Monte Carlo-Scale Dropout (MC-Scale Dropout)-based BayNNs for efficient uncertainty estimation. Our approach requires only one stochastic unit for the entire model, irrespective of the model size, leading to a highly scalable Bayesian NN. Furthermore, we introduce a novel Spintronic memory-based CIM architecture for the proposed BayNN that achieves more than $100\times$ energy savings compared to the state-of-the-art. We validated our method to show up to a $1\%$ improvement in predictive performance and superior uncertainty estimates compared to related works.

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