Emergent Mind


Robotic agents must master common sense and long-term sequential decisions to solve daily tasks through natural language instruction. The developments in LLMs in natural language processing have inspired efforts to use LLMs in complex robot planning. Despite LLMs' great generalization and comprehension of instruction tasks, LLMs-generated task plans sometimes lack feasibility and correctness. To address the problem, we propose a RoboGPT agent\footnote{our code and dataset will be released soon} for making embodied long-term decisions for daily tasks, with two modules: 1) LLMs-based planning with re-plan to break the task into multiple sub-goals; 2) RoboSkill individually designed for sub-goals to learn better navigation and manipulation skills. The LLMs-based planning is enhanced with a new robotic dataset and re-plan, called RoboGPT. The new robotic dataset of 67k daily instruction tasks is gathered for fine-tuning the Llama model and obtaining RoboGPT. RoboGPT planner with strong generalization can plan hundreds of daily instruction tasks. Additionally, a low-computational Re-Plan module is designed to allow plans to flexibly adapt to the environment, thereby addressing the nomenclature diversity challenge. The proposed RoboGPT agent outperforms SOTA methods on the ALFRED daily tasks. Moreover, RoboGPT planner exceeds SOTA LLM-based planners like ChatGPT in task-planning rationality for hundreds of unseen daily tasks, and even other domain tasks, while keeping the large model's original broad application and generality.

RoboGPT agent system: task planning, sub-goal execution, dynamic re-planning with environment feedback integration.


  • The paper 'RoboGPT' introduces an intelligent agent that combines LLMs and a new robotic dataset to enhance the capability of robots to perform long-term sequential tasks based on natural language instructions.

  • Key components of RoboGPT include LLM-based planning that decomposes tasks into manageable sub-goals and the RoboSkill module that learns and executes skills for task completion, incorporating a dynamic re-planning mechanism for adaptability.

  • The effectiveness of RoboGPT is validated through empirical evaluations on the ALFRED benchmark and custom task sets, achieving superior performance and generalization over existing state-of-the-art models in robotic planning and execution.

RoboGPT: An Intelligent Agent for Embodied Long-Term Decisions in Daily Instruction Tasks

The paper "RoboGPT: an intelligent agent of making embodied long-term decisions for daily instruction tasks" presents an innovative approach to enhancing robotic planning capabilities using LLMs. The authors propose the RoboGPT agent, which integrates LLM-based planning combined with domain-specific knowledge from a newly created robotic dataset, to address the challenges in executing long-term sequential tasks based on natural language instructions. The research insights primarily focus on overcoming the inherent limitations of LLMs in robot planning through the introduction of specialized modules and fine-tuning methods.


Robotic agents tasked with performing daily activities through natural language instructions must exhibit a deep understanding of common sense and long-term planning. The advancements in LLMs have facilitated significant progress in natural language processing, making them suitable candidates for complex robot planning tasks. However, despite their potent generalization abilities, LLMs sometimes generate plans that are not feasible for robotic execution. This paper addresses these issues by enhancing LLMs with domain-specific knowledge and implementing a flexible re-planning mechanism, thus ensuring logical validity and adaptability.

Key Contributions

The RoboGPT agent is comprised of two primary modules:

  1. LLMs-Based Planning: This module breaks down a task into several manageable sub-goals, with each sub-goal specifically designed to enhance the robot's navigation and manipulation abilities.
  2. RoboSkill Module: Designed to learn and execute skills particular to each sub-goal, this module ensures efficient task completion through improved navigation and manipulation.

The authors introduced a novel robotic dataset consisting of 67,000 samples from daily instruction tasks. This dataset allows the fine-tuning of the Llama model, enhancing its domain-specific planning capabilities. The newly developed dataset addresses nomenclature diversity and provides RoboGPT the ability to generalize to unseen tasks.

System Overview

The system architecture of RoboGPT is depicted in Figure 1 of the paper. The agent begins by decomposing high-level instructions into sub-goals using the RoboGPT planner. It then sequentially executes these sub-goals using the RoboSkill module, which integrates advanced navigation and interaction capabilities. A critical feature of the system is the Re-Plan module, which dynamically adjusts plans based on environmental feedback, thus addressing nomenclature diversity and ensuring task adaptability.

Experimental Results

The effectiveness of RoboGPT is demonstrated through empirical evaluations on the ALFRED benchmark and a custom-generated task set. The experimental metrics include success rate (SR), goal-condition success (GC), and high-level planning accuracy (HLP ACC).

  • Performance on ALFRED Tasks: RoboGPT achieves a significant improvement in performance over state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods, particularly in unseen tasks, indicating superior generalization and task planning rationality. Specifically, RoboGPT outperforms Prompter and LLM-Planner in SR and HLP ACC.
  • Generalization Tasks: RoboGPT exhibited robust performance in handling unseen and complex tasks, achieving a notable 78% HLP ACC – a significant leap compared to existing SOTA models like ChatGPT.

Implications and Future Directions

The research showcases the potential of integrating LLMs with domain-specific knowledge for embodied AI applications. The implications extend to practical implementations of robotic systems capable of performing a wide array of daily tasks with minimal human intervention. The theoretical advancements set a precedent for further exploration of LLM fine-tuning using domain-specific data, which can enhance the planning and execution capabilities of robotic agents.

Future developments should focus on:

  • Multi-modal Integration: Enhancing the agent's ability to process and integrate multi-modal inputs (visual, auditory, and textual) to improve task comprehension and execution.
  • Advanced Robotics Manipulation: Refining the manipulation algorithms to handle more complex and nuanced tasks, further bridging the gap between human and robot task execution efficiency.
  • Real-world Applications: Testing and implementing the RoboGPT system in real-world environments to validate the robustness and adaptability of the proposed methodologies outside controlled experimental settings.


The RoboGPT agent represents a significant advancement in the domain of robotic planning and execution. By fine-tuning LLMs with a comprehensive robotic dataset and implementing a robust re-planning mechanism, the authors have demonstrated a practical and effective solution for embodied long-term decision-making. The research offers a well-founded approach that could significantly enhance the capabilities of future robotic systems in daily instruction tasks, paving the way for more intelligent and autonomous robots.

This summary provides a detailed overview of the core contributions, experimental validation, and potential implications of the "RoboGPT" paper, catering to the interests and expertise of experienced researchers in the field.

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