Emergent Mind

Reinforcement Learning from Diffusion Feedback: Q* for Image Search

Published Nov 27, 2023 in cs.CV , cs.AI , cs.CL , cs.LG , and cs.RO


Large vision-language models are steadily gaining personalization capabilities at the cost of fine-tuning or data augmentation. We present two models for image generation using model-agnostic learning that align semantic priors with generative capabilities. RLDF, or Reinforcement Learning from Diffusion Feedback, is a singular approach for visual imitation through prior-preserving reward function guidance. This employs Q-learning (with standard Q*) for generation and follows a semantic-rewarded trajectory for image search through finite encoding-tailored actions. The second proposed method, noisy diffusion gradient, is optimization driven. At the root of both methods is a special CFG encoding that we propose for continual semantic guidance. Using only a single input image and no text input, RLDF generates high-quality images over varied domains including retail, sports and agriculture showcasing class-consistency and strong visual diversity. Project website is available at https://infernolia.github.io/RLDF.

RLDF generating desirable images using SD 2.1 and DALLE-2 models.


  • The paper 'Reinforcement Learning from Diffusion Feedback: Q* for Image Search' introduces novel methods RLDF and noisy diffusion gradient to generate semantically rich images using reinforcement learning, avoiding the need for text guidance and extensive fine-tuning.

  • The RLDF methodology formulates image generation as a Markov Decision Process, employing Q-learning to navigate semantic encoding spaces and utilizing various reward functions to guide the agent towards producing semantically consistent images.

  • The proposed RLDF model demonstrates strong generalization and semantic fidelity across various domains, achieving competitive evaluation metrics and offering significant implications for improving efficiency and adaptability in AI-driven image generation.

Reinforcement Learning from Diffusion Feedback: Semantic-driven Image Generation

In this essay, we analyze the paper "Reinforcement Learning from Diffusion Feedback: Q* for Image Search" authored by Aboli Marathe. This work addresses the challenge of generating semantically rich images by introducing novel approaches that leverage reinforcement learning (RL) in combination with model-agnostic learning paradigms. Specifically, the paper presents two methods: RLDF (Reinforcement Learning from Diffusion Feedback) and noisy diffusion gradient.

Introduction and Motivation

The recent advancements in text-to-image models, especially vision-language models (VLMs), have significantly improved the quality of image generation. However, these models often require extensive fine-tuning or human intervention to personalize the generated outputs. The paper tackles this limitation by presenting RLDF, which aims to generate diverse, semantically consistent images using only a single input image without any text guidance or additional data augmentation.


The RLDF approach formulates the image generation task as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) where the agent navigates through an n-dimensional gridworld representing the semantic encoding space of images. This method employs Q-learning to maximize a reward function that aligns the generated images with the target semantics. The key components of RLDF are:

  1. Semantic Encoding: The paper introduces a novel encoding mechanism based on Context-Free Grammar (CFG) to compress the semantic elements of an image into a single vector. This encoding facilitates the RL agent to navigate the semantic space effectively.
  2. Reward Functions: RLDF employs three types of reward functions to guide the agent:
  • Multi-Semantic Reward: High rewards for matching semantic elements with the ground truth.
  • Partial-Semantic Reward: Rewards focused on matching the scene semantics.
  • CLIP Reward: Rewards based on CLIP embedding similarity between generated and ground truth images.

Trajectory Learning: The agent begins in a random noise state and receives rewards based on the semantic alignment of the generated image with the target. The agent's actions lead to new semantic states, iteratively refining the generation process.

Additionally, the noisy diffusion gradient method computes gradients directly on the semantic encodings to optimize image generation. Though it lacks guaranteed convergence and may struggle under noisy signals, it offers an alternative optimization pathway.


The paper evaluates the RLDF model extensively across various domains, demonstrating its versatility and robustness. Notable results include:

  • ImageNet Cloning: RLDF generated a synthetic ImageNet clone with approximately 1.5 million images across 1000 classes, achieving high semantic fidelity.
  • Generalization: The model showed strong generalization capabilities across different object classes and action spaces, producing semantically diverse and photorealistic images.
  • Evaluation Metrics: The RLDF-generated ImageNet clone achieved competitive FID and KID scores, indicating its effectiveness compared to existing baselines.

Implications and Future Work

The RLDF approach presents significant implications for both practical applications and theoretical advancements in the field of AI-driven image generation. By eliminating the need for text input and fine-tuning, this method opens avenues for more efficient and adaptable image generation systems. Future work could explore:

  • Integration with Advanced TTI Models: Enhancing RLDF with more advanced text-to-image models to further improve generation quality.
  • Computational Efficiency: Addressing the computational costs associated with larger environments and exploring optimization techniques to reduce training time.
  • Subject Consistency: Investigating methods to enhance subject consistency while maintaining class-consistency.


The paper "Reinforcement Learning from Diffusion Feedback: Q* for Image Search" introduces a novel and effective approach for semantic-driven image generation. By leveraging reinforcement learning and diffusion feedback, RLDF generates high-quality, diverse images while mitigating traditional dependencies on text guidance and fine-tuning. This work signifies a meaningful contribution to the field, providing a foundation for future research and practical advancements in AI-based image generation technologies.

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