Emergent Mind

CalibFormer: A Transformer-based Automatic LiDAR-Camera Calibration Network

Published Nov 26, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.RO


The fusion of LiDARs and cameras has been increasingly adopted in autonomous driving for perception tasks. The performance of such fusion-based algorithms largely depends on the accuracy of sensor calibration, which is challenging due to the difficulty of identifying common features across different data modalities. Previously, many calibration methods involved specific targets and/or manual intervention, which has proven to be cumbersome and costly. Learning-based online calibration methods have been proposed, but their performance is barely satisfactory in most cases. These methods usually suffer from issues such as sparse feature maps, unreliable cross-modality association, inaccurate calibration parameter regression, etc. In this paper, to address these issues, we propose CalibFormer, an end-to-end network for automatic LiDAR-camera calibration. We aggregate multiple layers of camera and LiDAR image features to achieve high-resolution representations. A multi-head correlation module is utilized to identify correlations between features more accurately. Lastly, we employ transformer architectures to estimate accurate calibration parameters from the correlation information. Our method achieved a mean translation error of $0.8751 \mathrm{cm}$ and a mean rotation error of $0.0562 {\circ}$ on the KITTI dataset, surpassing existing state-of-the-art methods and demonstrating strong robustness, accuracy, and generalization capabilities.

Method for camera and LiDAR calibration by projecting the LiDAR point cloud onto the image plane.


  • The study introduces CalibFormer, an automated, end-to-end LiDAR-camera calibration network leveraging Transformer architectures to enhance calibration precision.

  • Key innovations include high-resolution feature aggregation, a multi-head correlation module, and Transformer-based parameter estimation for improved feature correspondence and parameter accuracy.

  • Empirical results on the KITTI dataset demonstrate CalibFormer's robustness and precision, highlighting its superiority over existing methods, with potential practical applications in autonomous driving.

An Analysis of "CalibFormer: A Transformer-based Automatic LiDAR-Camera Calibration Network"

The proliferation of autonomous driving technology has engendered significant interest in the precise calibration of disparate sensor modalities. The paper "CalibFormer: A Transformer-based Automatic LiDAR-Camera Calibration Network" by Yuxuan Xiao et al. addresses the crucial problem of calibrating LiDAR and camera sensors. The novelty of this work lies in its fully automated, end-to-end calibration network leveraging Transformer architectures.

Core Contributions

The researchers introduce CalibFormer, an automated calibration network designed to address the limitations of existing methods, which often suffer from sparse feature maps, unreliable cross-modality association, and inaccurate parameter regression. Specifically, the innovative aspects of CalibFormer include:

  1. High-Resolution Feature Aggregation: Leveraging multi-layer features from both LiDAR and camera data ensures fine-grained representation, crucial for precise calibrations.
  2. Multi-Head Correlation Module: This module accurately identifies correspondences between features across modalities, crucial given the inherently different data characteristics of LiDAR and camera sensors.
  3. Transformer-Based Parameter Estimation: The use of Swin Transformer encoders and traditional Transformer decoders facilitates effective extraction and utilization of correlation features, thereby enhancing the accuracy of the estimated calibration parameters.

Quantitative Performance

The empirical results presented highlight the robustness and efficacy of CalibFormer. On the KITTI dataset, the network achieves a mean translation error of $0.8751 \si{\cm}$ and a mean rotation error of $0.0562 \si{\degree}$, establishing its superiority over state-of-the-art methods. These results demonstrate the network's ability to maintain high accuracy amidst significant initial miscalibrations, underscoring its practical robustness. Ablation studies further validate the contributions of each module, where using the multi-head correlation and Transformer architecture significantly improved performance.

Methodological Details

CalibFormer is built with a well-defined structure:

  • Input Data Preprocessing: The LiDAR point cloud is projected onto the image plane to generate a two-channel LiDAR image.
  • Feature Extraction: Using an enhanced version of the Deep Layer Aggregation (DLA) network, the system extracts fine-grained features from both LiDAR and camera inputs.
  • Feature Matching: The multi-head correlation module computes correlations between misaligned features with a window-based approach to enhance precision.
  • Parameter Regression: Leveraging Swin Transformer encoders and traditional Transformer decoders, the network regresses the translation and rotation parameters required for calibration.

Theoretical and Practical Implications

From a theoretical perspective, the integration of Transformer networks for sensor calibration presents a robust mechanism for correlating features across vastly different data modalities. The ability to compute multi-dimensional correlations and leverage high-resolution feature representations underscores the potential for further advancements in this domain.

Practically, CalibFormer’s performance on the KITTI dataset suggests its applicability in real-world autonomous driving applications. The end-to-end nature of the network eliminates manual intervention, thereby reducing operational costs and time delays associated with traditional calibration methods. The network’s design also hints at scalability, potentially extending to other sensor modalities or environments with minimal adjustments.

Future Directions

The promising results from CalibFormer open several avenues for future research. Harnessing additional data modalities, such as radar, or integrating temporal data through recurrent networks could further boost calibration accuracy and robustness. Moreover, investigating the training of such networks on diverse datasets could enhance their generalization capabilities, making them more suitable for varied and unpredictable urban environments.

In conclusion, the paper by Xiao et al. presents significant advancements in the domain of LiDAR-camera calibration through the introduction of CalibFormer. The network's architecture, combining fine-grained feature extraction with advanced Transformer-based correlation and parameter estimation, sets a new benchmark in autonomous sensor calibration. The strong empirical results, along with the modularity of the proposed method, establish a firm foundation for both theoretical exploration and practical application in autonomous driving systems.

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