Emergent Mind

CRISP: Hybrid Structured Sparsity for Class-aware Model Pruning

Published Nov 24, 2023 in cs.CV , cs.AR , and cs.LG


Machine learning pipelines for classification tasks often train a universal model to achieve accuracy across a broad range of classes. However, a typical user encounters only a limited selection of classes regularly. This disparity provides an opportunity to enhance computational efficiency by tailoring models to focus on user-specific classes. Existing works rely on unstructured pruning, which introduces randomly distributed non-zero values in the model, making it unsuitable for hardware acceleration. Alternatively, some approaches employ structured pruning, such as channel pruning, but these tend to provide only minimal compression and may lead to reduced model accuracy. In this work, we propose CRISP, a novel pruning framework leveraging a hybrid structured sparsity pattern that combines both fine-grained N:M structured sparsity and coarse-grained block sparsity. Our pruning strategy is guided by a gradient-based class-aware saliency score, allowing us to retain weights crucial for user-specific classes. CRISP achieves high accuracy with minimal memory consumption for popular models like ResNet-50, VGG-16, and MobileNetV2 on ImageNet and CIFAR-100 datasets. Moreover, CRISP delivers up to 14$\times$ reduction in latency and energy consumption compared to existing pruning methods while maintaining comparable accuracy. Our code is available at https://github.com/shivmgg/CRISP/.

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