Emergent Mind

Analyzing the Evolution and Maintenance of ML Models on Hugging Face

Published Nov 22, 2023 in cs.SE , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Hugging Face (HF) has established itself as a crucial platform for the development and sharing of ML models. This repository mining study, which explore more than 380,000 models using data gathered via the HF Hub API, aims to explore the community engagement, evolution, and maintenance around models hosted on HF, aspects that have yet to be comprehensively explored in the literature. We first examine the overall growth and popularity of HF, uncovering trends in ML domains, framework usage, authors grouping and the evolution of tags and datasets used. Through text analysis of model card descriptions, we also seek to identify prevalent themes and insights within the developer community. Our investigation further extends to the maintenance aspects of models, where we evaluate the maintenance status of ML models, classify commit messages into various categories (corrective, perfective, and adaptive), analyze the evolution across development stages of commits metrics and introduce a new classification system that estimates the maintenance status of models based on multiple attributes. This study aims to provide valuable insights about ML model maintenance and evolution that could inform future model development strategies on platforms like HF.

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