Emergent Mind

Using Human Feedback to Fine-tune Diffusion Models without Any Reward Model

Published Nov 22, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.CV


Using reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) has shown significant promise in fine-tuning diffusion models. Previous methods start by training a reward model that aligns with human preferences, then leverage RL techniques to fine-tune the underlying models. However, crafting an efficient reward model demands extensive datasets, optimal architecture, and manual hyperparameter tuning, making the process both time and cost-intensive. The direct preference optimization (DPO) method, effective in fine-tuning LLMs, eliminates the necessity for a reward model. However, the extensive GPU memory requirement of the diffusion model's denoising process hinders the direct application of the DPO method. To address this issue, we introduce the Direct Preference for Denoising Diffusion Policy Optimization (D3PO) method to directly fine-tune diffusion models. The theoretical analysis demonstrates that although D3PO omits training a reward model, it effectively functions as the optimal reward model trained using human feedback data to guide the learning process. This approach requires no training of a reward model, proving to be more direct, cost-effective, and minimizing computational overhead. In experiments, our method uses the relative scale of objectives as a proxy for human preference, delivering comparable results to methods using ground-truth rewards. Moreover, D3PO demonstrates the ability to reduce image distortion rates and generate safer images, overcoming challenges lacking robust reward models. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/yk7333/D3PO.

Study compares image generation from fine-tuned and pre-trained models evaluated by human raters.


  • The paper presents a detailed template for structuring AI research manuscripts, emphasizing precision in documentation and adherence to academic norms.

  • It covers formatting nuances such as headings, mathematical representations, figures, tables, lists, in-text citations, and references, essential for scholarly articles.

  • The document aims to enhance readers' comprehension and ensure the reproducibility of research by providing a granular view into the academic rigor required for AI-related manuscripts.

  • It discusses the practical implications for researchers and speculates on the future developments of documentation standards as AI research evolves.

Insights into the Structure and Implications of AI Style Citation

Introduction to Template Structure

The paper presents a meticulously structured template for PRIME AI Style Citation, addressing the essential components from introduction to acknowledgments. It elaborately details the formatting nuances across various sections such as headings, citations, figures, tables, and lists, which are integral for a comprehensive academic documentation. By dissecting each component, the paper offers a granular view into the academic rigor required for AI-related manuscripts, emphasizing precision in documentation.

Nuances of Formatting and Documentation

The document is partitioned into distinct sections, each with a purpose in elucidating the formatting intricacies of scholarly articles. Specifically:

  • Headings and Subheadings: A clear hierarchy of headings is delineated, showcasing the importance of organized structure in enhancing readers' comprehension. The paper navigates through first, second, and third-level headings, demonstrating how each serves to categorize and systematically present the research findings and discussions.
  • Mathematical Representations: An explicit demonstration of mathematical formulae encapsulation within the text is provided. This portrays the essentiality of precisely representing mathematical models and equations, critical for the reproducibility of research in AI.
  • In-text Citations and References: It articulates the methodology for in-text citations and compiling references, which is quintessential for acknowledging prior work and enabling readers to trace the research lineage. This not only fortifies the academic integrity of the manuscript but also facilitates a robust scholarly discourse.

Figures, Tables, and Lists

A significant portion of the paper is devoted to illustrating how figures, tables, and lists should be seamlessly integrated within the AI research manuscripts. This segment underscores the role of:

  • Figures: Enhancing visual comprehension of the discussed concepts or results. The proper labeling and referencing of figures are highlighted as imperative for direct reader engagement.
  • Tables: Presenting a streamlined summary of data or contrasting theoretical perspectives. It is emphasized that tables should be self-explanatory yet concisely titled and accurately referenced in the text.
  • Lists: Organizing information or procedural steps in a digestible format. The paper showcases how lists contribute to the clarity and readability of complex processes or classification schemes.

Theoretical and Practical Implications

The theoretical framework outlined emphasizes the gravity of a systematic approach to documentation, integral for advancing the field of AI. It subtly hints at how structured discourse fosters a cumulative knowledge base, essential for the evolution of AI research.

Practically, the paper serves as a foundational guide for researchers, aiding in the meticulous preparation of manuscripts that meet the scholarly standards requisite for peer review and publication. By adhering to the outlined template, researchers can ensure their contributions are accurately interpreted and valued within the scientific community.

Speculations on Future Developments

The discussion inclines towards an anticipatory vision for the future, where the dynamic nature of AI research will necessitate continued refinements to documentation standards. As AI models and methodologies evolve, so too will the frameworks for articulating these advancements. The paper suggests an ongoing dialogue within the academic community to update and refine citation and formatting standards, ensuring that they remain relevant and conducive to the dissemination of AI research.


In summary, the paper offers a comprehensive blueprint for structuring AI research manuscripts. It meticulously details the components essential for scholarly reporting, emphasizing the need for precision, clarity, and adherence to established documentation norms. Through this detailed exposition, the paper contributes to the overarching goal of fostering a disciplined and methodical scientific inquiry within the AI research community.

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