Emergent Mind

Radiology Report Generation Using Transformers Conditioned with Non-imaging Data

Published Nov 18, 2023 in cs.CV , cs.AI , cs.CL , and cs.LG


Medical image interpretation is central to most clinical applications such as disease diagnosis, treatment planning, and prognostication. In clinical practice, radiologists examine medical images and manually compile their findings into reports, which can be a time-consuming process. Automated approaches to radiology report generation, therefore, can reduce radiologist workload and improve efficiency in the clinical pathway. While recent deep-learning approaches for automated report generation from medical images have seen some success, most studies have relied on image-derived features alone, ignoring non-imaging patient data. Although a few studies have included the word-level contexts along with the image, the use of patient demographics is still unexplored. This paper proposes a novel multi-modal transformer network that integrates chest x-ray (CXR) images and associated patient demographic information, to synthesise patient-specific radiology reports. The proposed network uses a convolutional neural network to extract visual features from CXRs and a transformer-based encoder-decoder network that combines the visual features with semantic text embeddings of patient demographic information, to synthesise full-text radiology reports. Data from two public databases were used to train and evaluate the proposed approach. CXRs and reports were extracted from the MIMIC-CXR database and combined with corresponding patients' data MIMIC-IV. Based on the evaluation metrics used including patient demographic information was found to improve the quality of reports generated using the proposed approach, relative to a baseline network trained using CXRs alone. The proposed approach shows potential for enhancing radiology report generation by leveraging rich patient metadata and combining semantic text embeddings derived thereof, with medical image-derived visual features.

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