Emergent Mind

Violet: A Vision-Language Model for Arabic Image Captioning with Gemini Decoder

Published Nov 15, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.CL


Although image captioning has a vast array of applications, it has not reached its full potential in languages other than English. Arabic, for instance, although the native language of more than 400 million people, remains largely underrepresented in this area. This is due to the lack of labeled data and powerful Arabic generative models. We alleviate this issue by presenting a novel vision-language model dedicated to Arabic, dubbed \textit{Violet}. Our model is based on a vision encoder and a Gemini text decoder that maintains generation fluency while allowing fusion between the vision and language components. To train our model, we introduce a new method for automatically acquiring data from available English datasets. We also manually prepare a new dataset for evaluation. \textit{Violet} performs sizeably better than our baselines on all of our evaluation datasets. For example, it reaches a CIDEr score of $61.2$ on our manually annotated dataset and achieves an improvement of $13$ points on Flickr8k.

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