Emergent Mind

MC^2: A Multilingual Corpus of Minority Languages in China

Published Nov 14, 2023 in cs.CL


Large-scale corpora play a vital role in the construction of LLMs. However, existing LLMs exhibit limited abilities in understanding low-resource languages, including the minority languages in China, due to a lack of training data. To improve the accessibility of these languages, we present MC2, a Multilingual Corpus of Minority Languages in China, which is the largest open-source corpus so far. It encompasses four underrepresented languages, i.e., Tibetan, Uyghur, Kazakh in the Kazakh Arabic script, and Mongolian in the traditional Mongolian script. Notably, two writing systems in MC2 are long neglected in previous corpora. As we identify serious contamination in the low-resource language split in the existing multilingual corpora, we propose a quality-centric solution for collecting MC2, prioritizing quality and accuracy while enhancing representativeness and diversity. By in-depth analysis, we demonstrate the new research challenges MC2 brings, such as long-text modeling and multiplicity of writing systems. We hope MC2 can help enhance the equity of the underrepresented languages in China and provide a reliable data foundation for further research on low-resource languages.

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