Emergent Mind


Existing visual instruction tuning methods typically prompt LLMs with textual descriptions to generate instruction-following data. Despite the promising performance achieved, these descriptions are derived from image annotations, which are oftentimes coarse-grained. Furthermore, the instructions might even contradict the visual content without observing the entire visual context. To address this challenge, we introduce a fine-grained visual instruction dataset, LVIS-Instruct4V, which contains 220K visually aligned and context-aware instructions produced by prompting the powerful GPT-4V with images from LVIS. Through experimental validation and case studies, we demonstrate that high-quality visual instructional data could improve the performance of LLaVA-1.5, a state-of-the-art large multimodal model, across a wide spectrum of benchmarks by clear margins. Notably, by simply replacing the LLaVA-Instruct with our LVIS-Instruct4V, we achieve better results than LLaVA on most challenging LMM benchmarks, e.g., LLaVA$w$ (76.7 vs. 70.7) and MM-Vet (40.2 vs. 35.4). We release our data and model at https://github.com/X2FD/LVIS-INSTRUCT4V.

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