Emergent Mind


Speech data has rich acoustic and paralinguistic information with important cues for understanding a speaker's tone, emotion, and intent, yet traditional LLMs such as BERT do not incorporate this information. There has been an increased interest in multi-modal language models leveraging audio and/or visual information and text. However, current multi-modal language models require both text and audio/visual data streams during inference/test time. In this work, we propose a methodology for training language models leveraging spoken language audio data but without requiring the audio stream during prediction time. This leads to an improved language model for analyzing spoken transcripts while avoiding an audio processing overhead at test time. We achieve this via an audio-language knowledge distillation framework, where we transfer acoustic and paralinguistic information from a pre-trained speech embedding (OpenAI Whisper) teacher model to help train a student language model on an audio-text dataset. In our experiments, the student model achieves consistent improvement over traditional language models on tasks analyzing spoken transcripts.

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