Emergent Mind


Amidst changing climate, real-time soil moisture monitoring is vital for the development of in-season decision support tools to help farmers manage weather related risks. Precision Sustainable Agriculture (PSA) recently established a real-time soil moisture monitoring network across the central, Midwest, and eastern U.S., but field-scale sensor observations often come with data gaps and anomalies. To maintain the data quality needed for development of decision tools, a quality control system is necessary. The International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) introduced the Flagit module for anomaly detection in soil moisture observations. However, under certain conditions, Flagit's quality control approaches may underperform in identifying anomalies. Recently deep learning methods have been successfully applied to detect anomalies in time series data in various disciplines. However, their use in agriculture has not been yet investigated. This study focuses on developing a Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model, referred to as DeepQC, to identify anomalies in soil moisture data. Manual flagged PSA observations were used for training, validation, and testing the model, following an 80:10:10 split. The study then compared the DeepQC and Flagit based estimates to assess their relative performance. Flagit corrected flagged 95.5% of the corrected observations and 50.3% of the anomaly observations, indicating its limitations in identifying anomalies. On the other hand, the DeepQC correctly flagged 99.7% of the correct observations and 95.6% of the anomalies in significantly less time, demonstrating its superiority over Flagit approach. Importantly, DeepQC's performance remained consistent regardless of the number of anomalies. Given the promising results obtained with the DeepQC, future studies will focus on implementing this model on national and global soil moisture networks.

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