Emergent Mind

Citation Recommendation on Scholarly Legal Articles

Published Nov 10, 2023 in cs.IR and cs.CL


Citation recommendation is the task of finding appropriate citations based on a given piece of text. The proposed datasets for this task consist mainly of several scientific fields, lacking some core ones, such as law. Furthermore, citation recommendation is used within the legal domain to identify supporting arguments, utilizing non-scholarly legal articles. In order to alleviate the limitations of existing studies, we gather the first scholarly legal dataset for the task of citation recommendation. Also, we conduct experiments with state-of-the-art models and compare their performance on this dataset. The study suggests that, while BM25 is a strong benchmark for the legal citation recommendation task, the most effective method involves implementing a two-step process that entails pre-fetching with BM25+, followed by re-ranking with SciNCL, which enhances the performance of the baseline from 0.26 to 0.30 MAP@10. Moreover, fine-tuning leads to considerable performance increases in pre-trained models, which shows the importance of including legal articles in the training data of these models.

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