Emergent Mind


To address the issues associated with the existing algorithms for the current apple detection, this study proposes an improved YOLOv5s-based method, named YOLOv5s-BC, for real-time apple detection, in which a series of modifications have been introduced. Firstly, a coordinate attention (CA) block has been incorporated into the backbone module to construct a new backbone network. Secondly, the original concatenation operation has been replaced with a bidirectional feature pyramid network (BiFPN) in the neck module. Lastly, a new detection head has been added to the head module, enabling the detection of smaller and more distant targets within the field of view of the robot. The proposed YOLOv5s-BC model was compared to several target detection algorithms, including YOLOv5s, YOLOv4, YOLOv3, SSD, Faster R-CNN (ResNet50), and Faster R-CNN (VGG), with significant improvements of 4.6%, 3.6%, 20.48%, 23.22%, 15.27%, and 15.59% in mAP, respectively. The detection accuracy of the proposed model is also greatly enhanced over the original YOLOv5s model. The model boasts an average detection speed of 0.018 seconds per image, and the weight size is only 16.7 Mb with 4.7 Mb smaller than that of YOLOv8s, meeting the real-time requirements for the picking robot. Furthermore, according to the heat map, our proposed model can focus more on and learn the high-level features of the target apples, and recognize the smaller target apples better than the original YOLOv5s model. Then, in other apple orchard tests, the model can detect the pickable apples in real time and correctly, illustrating a decent generalization ability.

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