Emergent Mind

Exchanging... Watch out!

Published Nov 8, 2023 in cs.HC


During a conversation, individuals take turns speaking and engage in exchanges, which can occur smoothly or involve interruptions. Listeners have various ways of participating, such as displaying backchannels, signalling the aim to take a turn, waiting for the speaker to yield the floor, or even interrupting and taking over the conversation. These exchanges are commonplace in natural interactions. To create realistic and engaging interactions between human participants and embodied conversational agents (ECAs), it is crucial to equip virtual agents with the ability to manage these exchanges. This includes being able to initiate or respond to signals from the human user. In order to achieve this, we annotate, analyze and characterize these exchanges in human-human conversations. In this paper, we present an analysis of multimodal features, with a focus on prosodic features such as pitch (F0) and loudness, as well as facial expressions, to describe different types of exchanges.

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