Emergent Mind

Multilingual Mathematical Autoformalization

Published Nov 7, 2023 in cs.CL and cs.LG


Autoformalization is the task of translating natural language materials into machine-verifiable formalisations. Progress in autoformalization research is hindered by the lack of a sizeable dataset consisting of informal-formal pairs expressing the same essence. Existing methods tend to circumvent this challenge by manually curating small corpora or using few-shot learning with LLMs. But these methods suffer from data scarcity and formal language acquisition difficulty. In this work, we create $\texttt{MMA}$, a large, flexible, multilingual, and multi-domain dataset of informal-formal pairs, by using a language model to translate in the reverse direction, that is, from formal mathematical statements into corresponding informal ones. Experiments show that language models fine-tuned on $\texttt{MMA}$ produce $16-18\%$ of statements acceptable with minimal corrections on the $\texttt{miniF2F}$ and $\texttt{ProofNet}$ benchmarks, up from $0\%$ with the base model. We demonstrate that fine-tuning on multilingual formal data results in more capable autoformalization models even when deployed on monolingual tasks.

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