Emergent Mind


This paper proposed a cutting-edge multiclass teeth segmentation architecture that integrates an M-Net-like structure with Swin Transformers and a novel component named Teeth Attention Block (TAB). Existing teeth image segmentation methods have issues with less accurate and unreliable segmentation outcomes due to the complex and varying morphology of teeth, although teeth segmentation in dental panoramic images is essential for dental disease diagnosis. We propose a novel teeth segmentation model incorporating an M-Net-like structure with Swin Transformers and TAB. The proposed TAB utilizes a unique attention mechanism that focuses specifically on the complex structures of teeth. The attention mechanism in TAB precisely highlights key elements of teeth features in panoramic images, resulting in more accurate segmentation outcomes. The proposed architecture effectively captures local and global contextual information, accurately defining each tooth and its surrounding structures. Furthermore, we employ a multiscale supervision strategy, which leverages the left and right legs of the U-Net structure, boosting the performance of the segmentation with enhanced feature representation. The squared Dice loss is utilized to tackle the class imbalance issue, ensuring accurate segmentation across all classes. The proposed method was validated on a panoramic teeth X-ray dataset, which was taken in a real-world dental diagnosis. The experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed architecture for tooth segmentation on multiple benchmark dental image datasets, outperforming existing state-of-the-art methods in objective metrics and visual examinations. This study has the potential to significantly enhance dental image analysis and contribute to advances in dental applications.

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