Emergent Mind

Maximal Consistent Subsystems of Max-T Fuzzy Relational Equations

Published Nov 6, 2023 in cs.AI and cs.LO


In this article, we study the inconsistency of a system of $\max-T$ fuzzy relational equations of the form $A \Box{T}{\max} x = b$, where $T$ is a t-norm among $\min$, the product or Lukasiewicz's t-norm. For an inconsistent $\max-T$ system, we directly construct a canonical maximal consistent subsystem (w.r.t the inclusion order). The main tool used to obtain it is the analytical formula which compute the Chebyshev distance $\Delta = \inf{c \in \mathcal{C}} \Vert b - c \Vert$ associated to the inconsistent $\max-T$ system, where $\mathcal{C}$ is the set of second members of consistent systems defined with the same matrix $A$. Based on the same analytical formula, we give, for an inconsistent $\max-\min$ system, an efficient method to obtain all its consistent subsystems, and we show how to iteratively get all its maximal consistent subsystems.

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