Emergent Mind


Collaborative manipulation task often requires negotiation using explicit or implicit communication. An important example is determining where to move when the goal destination is not uniquely specified, and who should lead the motion. This work is motivated by the ability of humans to communicate the desired destination of motion through back-and-forth force exchanges. Inherent to these exchanges is also the ability to dynamically assign a role to each participant, either taking the initiative or deferring to the partner's lead. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical robot control framework that emulates human behavior in communicating a motion destination to a human collaborator and in responding to their actions. At the top level, the controller consists of a set of finite-state machines corresponding to different levels of commitment of the robot to its desired goal configuration. The control architecture is loosely based on the human strategy observed in the human-human experiments, and the key component is a real-time intent recognizer that helps the robot respond to human actions. We describe the details of the control framework, and feature engineering and training process of the intent recognition. The proposed controller was implemented on a UR10e robot (Universal Robots) and evaluated through human studies. The experiments show that the robot correctly recognizes and responds to human input, communicates its intent clearly, and resolves conflict. We report success rates and draw comparisons with human-human experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.

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