Emergent Mind

Optimal Two-Dimensional Reed--Solomon Codes Correcting Insertions and Deletions

Published Nov 5, 2023 in cs.IT and math.IT


Constructing Reed--Solomon (RS) codes that can correct insertions and deletions (insdel errors) has been considered in numerous recent works. For the special case of two-dimensional RS-codes, it is known [CST23] that an $[n,2]q$ RS-code that can correct from $n-3$ insdel errors satisfies that $q=\Omega(n3)$. On the other hand, there are several known constructions of $[n,2]q$ RS-codes that can correct from $n-3$ insdel errors, where the smallest field size is $q=O(n4)$. In this short paper, we construct $[n,2]_q$ Reed--Solomon codes that can correct $n-3$ insdel errors with $q=O(n3)$, thereby resolving the minimum field size needed for such codes.

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