Emergent Mind

Active risk aversion in SIS epidemics on networks

Published Nov 3, 2023 in q-bio.PE , cs.SY , eess.SY , and math.DS


We present and analyze an actively controlled Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (actSIS) model of interconnected populations to study how risk aversion strategies, such as social distancing, affect network epidemics. A population using a risk aversion strategy reduces its contact rate with other populations when it perceives an increase in infection risk. The network actSIS model relies on two distinct networks. One is a physical contact network that defines which populations come into contact with which other populations and thus how infection spreads. The other is a communication network, such as an online social network, that defines which populations observe the infection level of which other populations and thus how information spreads. We prove that the model, with these two networks and populations using risk aversion strategies, exhibits a transcritical bifurcation in which an endemic equilibrium emerges. For regular graphs, we prove that the endemic infection level is uniform across populations and reduced by the risk aversion strategy, relative to the network SIS endemic level. We show that when communication is sufficiently sparse, this initially stable equilibrium loses stability in a secondary bifurcation. Simulations show that a new stable solution emerges with nonuniform infection levels.

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