Emergent Mind

Elastic energy storage of spring-driven jumping robots

Published Nov 3, 2023 in cs.RO and physics.app-ph


Spring-driven jumping robots use an energised spring for propulsion, while the onboard motor only serves as a spring-charging source. A common mechanism in designing these robots is the rhomboidal linkage, which has been combined with linear springs (spring-linkage) to create a nonlinear spring, thereby increasing elastic energy storage and jump height for a given motor force. The effectiveness of this spring-linkage has been examined for individual designs, but a generalised design theory of this class of system remains absent. This paper presents an energetics analysis of the spring-linkage and provides insight into designing an ideal constant force spring, which stores the maximum energy for a given motor force. A quasi-static analysis shows that the force-displacement relationship of the spring-linkage changes with the orientation and type of the spring, but is independent of the linkage scale. Combining different types and orientations of springs within the linkage enables higher elastic energy storage than using single springs. Placing two translational springs at the diagonals of the rhomboidal linkage creates an ideal spring that could increase the jump height of prior robots by 50-160%.

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