Emergent Mind


In binary decision-makings, individuals often go for a common or rare action. In the framework of evolutionary game theory, the best-response update rule can be used to model this dichotomy. Those who prefer a common action are called coordinators and those who prefer a rare one are called anticoordinators. A finite mixed population of the two types may undergo perpetual fluctuations, the characterization of which appears to be challenging. It is particularly unknown, whether the fluctuations scale with the population size. To fill this gap, we approximate the discrete finite population dynamics of coordinators and anticoordinators with the associated mean dynamics in the form of semicontinuous differential inclusions. We show that the family of the state sequences of the discrete dynamics for increasing population sizes forms a generalized stochastic approximation process for the differential inclusion. On the other hand, we show that the differential inclusions always converge to an equilibrium. This implies that the reported perpetual fluctuations in the finite discrete dynamics of coordinators and anticoordinators do not scale as the population size do. The results encourage to first analyze the often simpler semicontinuous mean dynamics of the discrete population dynamics as the semicontinuous dynamics partly reveal the asymptotic behaviour of the discrete dynamics.

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