Emergent Mind

Tensor Trust: Interpretable Prompt Injection Attacks from an Online Game

Published Nov 2, 2023 in cs.LG and cs.CR


While LLMs are increasingly being used in real-world applications, they remain vulnerable to prompt injection attacks: malicious third party prompts that subvert the intent of the system designer. To help researchers study this problem, we present a dataset of over 126,000 prompt injection attacks and 46,000 prompt-based "defenses" against prompt injection, all created by players of an online game called Tensor Trust. To the best of our knowledge, this is currently the largest dataset of human-generated adversarial examples for instruction-following LLMs. The attacks in our dataset have a lot of easily interpretable stucture, and shed light on the weaknesses of LLMs. We also use the dataset to create a benchmark for resistance to two types of prompt injection, which we refer to as prompt extraction and prompt hijacking. Our benchmark results show that many models are vulnerable to the attack strategies in the Tensor Trust dataset. Furthermore, we show that some attack strategies from the dataset generalize to deployed LLM-based applications, even though they have a very different set of constraints to the game. We release all data and source code at https://tensortrust.ai/paper

Mean length of responses to attacks by model type and dataset, showing longer responses from LLaMA-2-chat.


  • The paper introduces 'Tensor Trust,' an online game designed to reveal vulnerabilities in LLMs through prompt injection attacks, and releases an extensive dataset of over 126,000 attacks and 46,000 defenses.

  • Qualitative and quantitative analyses are conducted on the dataset, revealing common failure modes in LLMs and proposing benchmarks for robustness against prompt extraction and prompt hijacking.

  • The findings highlight significant vulnerabilities in popular LLMs like GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4, emphasizing the need for advanced defense mechanisms and robust testing environments to improve AI security.

An Expert Analysis of "Tensor Trust: Interpretable Prompt Injection Attacks from an Online Game"

The paper, "Tensor Trust: Interpretable Prompt Injection Attacks from an Online Game," presents a comprehensive study on the vulnerabilities of LLMs to prompt injection attacks, facilitated through a novel online game called Tensor Trust. The research introduces an extensive dataset comprising over 126,000 prompt injection attacks and 46,000 defenses, created by players participating in the game. This dataset represents the largest collection of human-generated adversarial examples for instruction-following LLMs to date. The authors aim to use this dataset to shed light on the weaknesses of LLMs and propose benchmarks for evaluating their resistance to prompt injection attacks.

Contributions and Benchmarking

The paper makes several critical contributions to the field of AI security:

  1. Dataset Release: The paper provides the full dataset of 126,808 attacks and 46,457 defenses, including multi-step attacks and player metadata such as timestamps and player IDs. Notably, the dataset contains both successful and unsuccessful attacks and defenses, providing a comprehensive view of the adversarial strategies employed.
  2. Qualitative Analysis: The authors perform a qualitative analysis of the dataset to identify general failure modes in LLMs, such as the tendency to allow user instructions to override system instructions or exhibit bizarre behavior with rare tokens. This analysis emphasizes the interpretability of human-written attacks compared to automatically generated ones.
  3. Benchmarks for Robustness: The research proposes two benchmarks derived from Tensor Trust data:

    • Prompt Extraction: Evaluates the ability of an LLM to avoid leaking its prompt when subjected to an attack.
    • Prompt Hijacking: Assesses whether an LLM can be manipulated into granting access or following unintended instructions without revealing the prompt.
  4. Generalization of Attacks: The authors demonstrate that attack strategies from Tensor Trust can generalize to real-world LLM-based applications. Even though these applications have different constraints than the game, many attack strategies proved effective. This highlights potential risks in deployed systems.

Strong Numerical Results

The paper presents benchmark results for a variety of LLMs, revealing significant vulnerabilities:

  • Prompt Hijacking Robustness: The paper shows that the hijacking robustness rate (HRR) for popular LLMs like GPT-3.5 Turbo is alarmingly low, indicating a high vulnerability to prompt hijacking.
  • Prompt Extraction Robustness: The extraction robustness rate (ERR) similarly demonstrates that many models are prone to leaking their prompts, which can be exploited to extract sensitive information.
  • Comparison Across Models: The evaluation reveals that GPT-4 shows increased robustness compared to GPT-3.5 Turbo, but vulnerabilities remain. Conversely, models like Claude and LLaMA demonstrate varying degrees of robustness, with particular weaknesses highlighted in their ability to follow instructions correctly while maintaining security.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Implications: The research underscores the importance of fortifying LLMs against prompt injection attacks. As LLMs are increasingly integrated into applications handling sensitive data, ensuring their robustness is paramount. The demonstrated generalizability of attacks to real-world applications amplifies the urgency of this issue.

Theoretical Implications: The findings suggest that existing frameworks for handling user inputs in LLMs are inadequate. The distinction between "instructions" (trusted commands) and "data" (untrusted inputs) needs to be more sharply defined and enforced within LLM processing pipelines.

Speculation on Future Developments: Future research should focus on developing more sophisticated defense mechanisms that can differentiate between malicious and benign inputs. Techniques such as adversarial training, improved token handling, and enhanced context understanding could play a vital role in mitigating these threats. The paper also highlights the need for robust testing environments that simulate real-world adversarial conditions, enabling continuous improvement in LLM security.


The paper "Tensor Trust: Interpretable Prompt Injection Attacks from an Online Game" makes substantial strides in identifying and addressing the vulnerabilities of LLMs to prompt injection attacks. By leveraging a novel online game to crowdsource adversarial examples, the authors provide an invaluable dataset and propose rigorous benchmarks for evaluating LLM robustness. The research highlights critical weaknesses in current LLM designs and sets the stage for future developments in secure AI systems. The practical and theoretical implications of this work are far-reaching, underscoring the necessity for continued research and innovation in AI security.

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