Emergent Mind

Fast, multicolour optical sectioning over extended fields of view by combining interferometric SIM with machine learning

Published Oct 31, 2023 in physics.optics , eess.IV , and physics.bio-ph


Structured illumination can reject out-of-focus signal from a sample, enabling high-speed and high-contrast imaging over large areas with widefield detection optics. Currently, this optical-sectioning technique is limited by image reconstruction artefacts and the need for sequential imaging of multiple colour channels. We combine multicolour interferometric pattern generation with machine-learning processing, permitting high-contrast, real-time reconstruction of image data. The method is insensitive to background noise and unevenly phase-stepped illumination patterns. We validate the method in silico and demonstrate its application on diverse specimens, ranging from fixed and live biological cells to synthetic biosystems, imaging at up to 37 Hz across a 44 x 44 $\mu m2$ field of view.

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