Emergent Mind

Log-based Anomaly Detection of Enterprise Software: An Empirical Study

Published Oct 31, 2023 in cs.LG and cs.SE


Most enterprise applications use logging as a mechanism to diagnose anomalies, which could help with reducing system downtime. Anomaly detection using software execution logs has been explored in several prior studies, using both classical and deep neural network-based machine learning models. In recent years, the research has largely focused in using variations of sequence-based deep neural networks (e.g., Long-Short Term Memory and Transformer-based models) for log-based anomaly detection on open-source data. However, they have not been applied in industrial datasets, as often. In addition, the studied open-source datasets are typically very large in size with logging statements that do not change much over time, which may not be the case with a dataset from an industrial service that is relatively new. In this paper, we evaluate several state-of-the-art anomaly detection models on an industrial dataset from our research partner, which is much smaller and loosely structured than most large scale open-source benchmark datasets. Results show that while all models are capable of detecting anomalies, certain models are better suited for less-structured datasets. We also see that model effectiveness changes when a common data leak associated with a random train-test split in some prior work is removed. A qualitative study of the defects' characteristics identified by the developers on the industrial dataset further shows strengths and weaknesses of the models in detecting different types of anomalies. Finally, we explore the effect of limited training data by gradually increasing the training set size, to evaluate if the model effectiveness does depend on the training set size.

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