Emergent Mind


Federated reinforcement learning (FedRL) enables agents to collaboratively train a global policy without sharing their individual data. However, high communication overhead remains a critical bottleneck, particularly for natural policy gradient (NPG) methods, which are second-order. To address this issue, we propose the FedNPG-ADMM framework, which leverages the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to approximate global NPG directions efficiently. We theoretically demonstrate that using ADMM-based gradient updates reduces communication complexity from ${O}({d{2}})$ to ${O}({d})$ at each iteration, where $d$ is the number of model parameters. Furthermore, we show that achieving an $\epsilon$-error stationary convergence requires ${O}(\frac{1}{(1-\gamma){2}{\epsilon}})$ iterations for discount factor $\gamma$, demonstrating that FedNPG-ADMM maintains the same convergence rate as the standard FedNPG. Through evaluation of the proposed algorithms in MuJoCo environments, we demonstrate that FedNPG-ADMM maintains the reward performance of standard FedNPG, and that its convergence rate improves when the number of federated agents increases.

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