Emergent Mind

Kinetic description and macroscopic limit of swarming dynamics with continuous leader-follower transitions

Published Oct 30, 2023 in math-ph , cond-mat.stat-mech , cs.NA , math.MP , and math.NA


In this paper, we derive a kinetic description of swarming particle dynamics in an interacting multi-agent system featuring emerging leaders and followers. Agents are classically characterized by their position and velocity plus a continuous parameter quantifying their degree of leadership. The microscopic processes ruling the change of velocity and degree of leadership are independent, non-conservative and non-local in the physical space, so as to account for long-range interactions. Out of the kinetic description, we obtain then a macroscopic model under a hydrodynamic limit reminiscent of that used to tackle the hydrodynamics of weakly dissipative granular gases, thus relying in particular on a regime of small non-conservative and short-range interactions. Numerical simulations in one- and two-dimensional domains show that the limiting macroscopic model is consistent with the original particle dynamics and furthermore can reproduce classical emerging patterns typically observed in swarms.

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